christopher hitchens, 1949-2011

it’s been a bad few months; ritchie, jobs and now hitch. love him or hate him, he forced you to think and digest things. i largely loved his columns and his books but i took issue with his iraq war stance. i never wrapped my mind around the falklands bit and didn’t square with his socialist leanings. (real socialism, not the shit tea party definitions) that said, i rarely missed the opportunity to read him....

December 16, 2011 · steve ulrich

i'm no bush apologist, but ...

i’ve often found myself wondering if W was really as obtuse as he seemed publicly. ...

October 10, 2011 · steve ulrich

interesting nerd topics - Q3CY2011

in no particular order. ...

October 10, 2011 · steve ulrich

the personal arc of my library use

this nybooks article got me to thinking about the role of the library in my life over the years. when i was a kid there were multiple trips to the library each week. we were beneficiaries of what i can recall as a solid library system. now, i don’t know how true that was/is, but the library certainly held a place of reverence in our home and i could count on it being open pretty much every day of the week....

June 19, 2011 · steve ulrich