algorithmic governments: civilization 2

there’s this epic reddit thread that’s been making its rounds. this guy played the same civ 2 game for 10 years. i’ve never been much of a gamer so civilization 2 has largely escaped my notice. this might actually be a game i could endorse for little dude but that’s actually a side point. in scanning through the comments, there were a number of interesting strategies suggested for working through the morass in the future....

June 13, 2012 · steve ulrich

better to remain silent

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. – abraham lincoln increasingly, i think that this statement holds true in the social networking domain. for the first time in history folks have a real-time broadcast mechanism at their disposal to broadcast the mundane and the potentially deeply poignant to all manner of folks.

May 2, 2012 · steve ulrich

recognized for the terror it is in the time it was

or something like that. ...

January 2, 2012 · steve ulrich

if this shit don't worry you - you're crazy, or stupid

warming arctic permafrost fuels climate change worries ...

December 18, 2011 · steve ulrich