meta-elite overload

it’s meta + elites the whole way down. ny review of books ny review of books “worthy” reviewer elite author who writes for the atlantic, etc., still, the reviewer here does a solid job of being grounded and taking a critical look at the book and the author’s perspective. based on this review, i don’t think i’ll be buying the book. honestly, i found the reviwer’s take here to be a pretty solid damnation of the perspective of a lot of liberals....

February 27, 2021 · steve ulrich

a thread on blocking by zeynep tufekci

zeynep tufekci thread on blocking the noise on twitter to actually see the interesting feedback and responses. I try not to block actual criticism but things I've started pretty much automatically blocking to make Twitter usable: Snitch-tagging; "Oh you're surprised?" reply guys; People who respond to an article *I* wrote with a point made in the article as if I could have no idea. — zeynep tufekci (@zeynep) February 16, 2021 meta location: Minneapolis weather: 1....

February 17, 2021 · steve ulrich

today, there's a solid argument for keeping the skyways

an excellent 99% invisible episode about the minneapolis skyways. these are truly a mixed bag. but today, it was -19F when i woke up. at midday, it’s -10F. we definitely need to do something about the unwelcoming nature of the skyways. i’m not ready to give up on them yet. – meta location: Minneapolis weather: -9.4°F and Clear

February 14, 2021 · steve ulrich

policy/ideological consistency and polarization

misc. reading … The researchers set out to better understand recent studies showing that self-described liberals are likelier than people who call themselves conservative to shield themselves from contact with their ideological out-group, including by blocking them on social media and cutting out would-be friends because of their views. … For example, data from the 2018 Cooperative Congressional Election Study corroborated the asymmetry between the groups, showing that liberals are more likely than conservatives to report both blocking and being blocked over political differences....

February 10, 2021 · steve ulrich